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Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Social Media News

Social Media News

  • Immediate posts.
  • Everyone can view it/report problems.
  • Stories spread on a vast scale very fast.
  • Easier to view on portable devices.
  • 140 character limits preventing vast, detailed stories.
  • false news.
  • inaccuracy, key facts missing.
  • Biased.
  • Inexperienced reporters.
News Addicts- Types of readers/ people:
  • Fix - addicted to news, need a 'fix'.
  • Track - Accesses news regularly throughout the day to keep up to date.
  • Fill - Is a commuter, uses it as a past time when traveling to work or has free time.
  • Indulge - Make time to enjoy the news as a break from everything else in the day.
  • Invest - Read the news regularly to get an in depth perspective on stories.
News Readers:
  • Millennial: The younger generation (under 30), that get there news from twitter and social media platforms online.
  • Boomers: The older generation (above 30), that traditionally watch BBC news at 6pm where the main focus is formal news on politics, weather and world issues. (Catch up).

Daily Mail Mock up

  • Child obesity links to lowering IQ
  • Im a celebrity 
  • Christmas 
  • health issues- caffeine addiction etc
  • deep fried chicken salmonella
  • std ladybirds 
  • nhs spending more money on addiction than child cancer treatment. 
  • royalty 
  • celebrity news 

Daily Mail evaluation

What was the task you were assigned?
Our assignment was to create our own Daily mail front cover by using a stereotypical cover of the daily mail

What did programme did you use to complete your task? 
Microsoft Publisher

What tools did you use to create your task?
  • Text box's
  • Background remover
  • Format features
  • Text alignment 
  • Copy and Paste
  • Picture editing 
What were the biggest obstacles to completing your task?
Font creation, sizing and adaptation. The Daily Mail a personal customised font. 

Describe your production and why you chose the various text headings and images?
Production started with the daily mail logo and pricing and date, Then followed by the large photo on the right side (this will typically be a celebrity or royal story due the typical daily mail interests). I chose the newly married royal couple as the daily mail is known for there interest in Royalty. I then followed to create the adverts and promotional offers which is the main source of revenue for newspapers. I related my adverts to Christmas as the daily mail and other newspapers are renown to draw a lot of attention to Christmas. I then started to process a main story and headline title followed by the body text which starts the article. 

What was your initial feedback? What did others say about your production?
The creation of the front cover was a long, tedious process. Many attempts and multiple layout tweaks finally lead to the final design. I especially took me many attempts to get the headline size and spacing to be correct. From others my feedback was positive and comments where similar to teacher feedback. 

Identify what went well and with hindsight what would you do differently?
What went well was the body text and royalty section creation. In hindsight i would have created higher quality adverts etc and improved borders on pictures and partially reduced white space