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Monday, June 17, 2019

newspaper revision

  • either website or newspaper for Q1 and 2 
  • Q1 on representation 
  • Q2 language 
  • Theorists only on representation and industry
  • Revise: Industry: linignstone and lunt, Curran and Seaton, Hesmondhalgh (theroists) 
  • Revise Representation: Stuart hall, Bandura, Paul Gilroy, David Gauntlett, Bell Hooks, Judith Butler, Van Zoonen. (Theorists) 
Daily  Mail:
serif text font 

Times etc: 
Sans serif text font

tabloid: sun, daily star, mirror L 

Midmarkets: daily mail (free online) probrexit, daily express

Broardsheet: gruardian L (nonprofit), telegraph (subscription), times (subscription) remain in EU, the independant (subsscriptions)

rest are right wing orientated ( conservatism) 


C- Continuity/currency -- always running stories (brexit)
U- Unambiguous -- easy to understand and for papers to report on
P- personalisation -- relate to people
P-Proximity-- local area
T- Threshhold-- biggger impact of story
U-Unexpectivness -- natural disaster story
N-Neagtivity-- bad news is more interesting ( if it bleeds it leads)
E-Elite persons -- celebs, royalty, PM etc

Gatekeeping: selection of stories which are allowed into the newspaper this is done by the editor.

Mid markets tabloid characteristics:

  • Dont ignore typography
  • Mid markets are called black tops 
  • Tradional british news values
  • Higher ratio of image to text
Daily express/ daily mail- traditional and british= interest in royal and heritage etc. thrive on old britania ways (e.g. memorial). This can be due to there audience who want easier news to read

soft news examples: 
socail media 

Hard news expamples:
buisness and economics 
industry and tech

Broardsheet characteristics:
  • Higher ratio of text to image 
  • narrativecontent split into sections, more hard news and other topics 
  • Formal mode of address
  • more educated ABC target
  • ads more targeted to middle class
  • Soft news at the top of paper doesnt distract from main news 
  • Guardian considers themselves as experts on arts/ culture 
  • Photographic codea/images, juxtaposed with certain stories

Representation in newspapers: 

Objetive: taking th entire story, the full picture
Subjective: image is cut, framed different to perseve a differnt story/ mood 

Conforming: accompanies the sterotype, with the sterotype
Subvert: against the sterotype

Sterotype: the simplified, representation of a person, which are oftern exaggerated

Idealogy:  sterotype on issues and events instead of people. 

Daily mail: aristrocratic family based owned by the daily mail trust, owned by the hamsworth. 

Gaurdiain: not for profit paper. Owned by Scott trust