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Thursday, February 28, 2019

BBC Radio 1 Self- Review Test

1. How long has Greg James been presenting The Radio 1 Breakfast show?

Greg James started hosting the BBC Radio 1 Breakfast show on the 20th August 2018
2. What is the age range of the target audience that the R1BS aim to attract?

The R1BS target audience is 15-29 year olds.
3. What are the main differences between R1BS and commercial stations' breakfast shows like Capital FM? 

 Because the breakfast show is owned by the BBC, only adverts from the BBC can be shown under their rules and regulation, much like the TV channels. This compares to smaller radio shows where they can gain more income from advertising a more variety of commercials.
4. List as many ways audiences can access Radio 1 that you can think of. 

 Phone, Tablet, Radio, MP3 Player, Laptop.
5. How can the audience interact with the R1BS?

Social Media, Text messages, phone calls.
6. Which professional body regulates Radio and how might this affect what is broadcast? 

Ofcom will regulate the content standards of the BBC's television, radio and on-demand programmes. The BBC will handle complaints about its content in the first instance, with Ofcom overseeing that process and handling appeals through a transparent process.
7. How does The R1BS fulfil its remits as a public service broadcaster?

R1BS fulfills it remits through the persistant flow of audience engagement. through social media strives communal games and keeps people up to date with the latest news.
8. Why is the controller of Radio 1, Ben Cooper unconcerned about the drop in listening figures for the R1BS?

Ben Cooper states that you have to take in account of all innovation, in particular digital, YouTube as well as the actual show itself. Weekly listeners have dropped via the radio but never count the views on their YouTube page and other social media.

9. How does the program promote British music?

53% of the music played on R1BS is of a British artists.
10. What genres of music were played during your slot? Give some examples.

Pop, Rock, Indie, rap. 
11. Celebrity interviews - Who is being interviewed and what are they being interviewed about? How many of the interviews are with British people?

12. News items - List the stories and identify which relate to Britain.

Brexit, Immigration, Military legalities, Sport, Film nominations.
13. Quizzes and games - what can you win?

Tickets to festivals and sports games.
14. How does the broadcast fit into the BBC ethos of 'informing, educating and entertaining'?

It informs listeners with necessary news to educate. . Games and stories provide entertainment along with music.
15. How does it differ from commercial breakfast shows?

It has intentions of providing a service to the public.
16. Who do you think the audience is from the content of 'your section'? What evidence do you have for this?

15-29 year olds
17. How large is the audience for the Radio 1 Breakfast show?

5.10 million listeners per week, compared to 5.72m last quarter and 5.14m last year.
18. Which five audience categories did the BBC Trust use to measure audiences in 2016?

19. Which BBC radio station is most targeted at a mass audience?

 Radio 2 is the most targeted because it covers more and lasts for longer.20. Which BBC radio station is most aimed at a niche audience with high levels of cultural capital?

Radio 1 is the most aimed at a niche audience because of the smaller age gap of their target audience.

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