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Monday, September 9, 2019

Intro to Context

Big News and Current Events


The Brexit referendum was announced in Feburary 2016 by David Cameron (the Prime minister at the time).The referendum took place on the 23rd June.  The referendum took place due to promise which was taken from David cameron on his re election. The current U.K. Prime Minister, David Cameron, rejected calls for a referendum on his country’s continued membership of the E.U. in 2012, but announced less than a year later that his Conservative government would hold one if re-elected in 2015.

The results from the referendum: 

 Who were the leavers/Remainers?

England: 53.4% Leave - 46.6% Remain

Northern Ireland: 44.2% Leave - 55.8% Remain

Scotland: 38.0% Leave - 62% Remain

Wales: 52.5% Leave - 47.5% Remain


22nd March 2017 attack took place outside Palace of Westminster. The attacker, 52-year-old Briton Khalid Masood drove a car into pedestrians along the pavement. 50 people injured and 4 fatalities. 

19th June 2017 a vehicle was driven into pedestrians in Finsbury Park. The attacker Darren Osborne from Birmingham was sentenced to life imprisonment. 

16th june 2016, Jo Cox a labour MP was shot and stabbed multiple times in Birstall, West Yorkshire by a 52 year old far right local man called Thomas Alexander Mair who was sentenced to life imprisonment.

UK Specific Issues: 

The NHS junior doctors were striking because the doctors below the level of consultancy were not getting a rightful pay rise for the amount of hours they were made to work. Jeremy Hunt, the Health Secretary of the NHS was against the pay rise and this led to a 4 day doctors strike between 8am and 5pm from the 12th-16th September 2016.

Grenfell Tower: on the 14 June 2017, a fire broke out in the kitchen of a 4th floor flat at the 23 storey tower block in West London. the fire quickly spread across the entire tower where 72 people lost their lives.

Cultural trends: 

Film: Many remakes of older films are being done e.g. Jungle book, Beauty and the Beast. 
Music: |Music trends are leaning towards a mix of rap and dance. 
Video Games: tech advancements have allowed video games to evolve and be supported on different platforms such as VR (Virtual Reality) 
YouTube: New series are being released and views etc is ever increasing.

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