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Friday, January 10, 2020

Long form tv drama conventions

  • LFTVD tend to be more 'cinematic' 
  • Stranger things has excessive amounts of detail=high production values= high lelvel of verislimude-appriciated by the audience. 
  • "Flow" one chapter flows into the next - makes it easy to binge watch 
  • Submersive world that provides escapism 
  • Less traditional storytelling structure with unexpected twists 
  • encourages audiences to respont with their own take part. 
  • Enters culteral parlance and embeds into cultures - become a text in intertexuality itself post modernism 

  • LFTVD subverts traditional storylines 
  • no more sterotypes 
  • characters change
What does a tv drama need to have? 

  • various locations 
  • stock characters 
  • multiple narratives 
  • 1hr episodes
  • dramatic cliff hangers 
  • high production values

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