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Tuesday, February 4, 2020

D83 Characters

D83 Characters

Martin Rauch, Moritz Stamm
Major or Minor Character?

Stereotype? Conforms or Subverts?
Stereotypical east German soldier – is loyal to his country, does what he’s told. When moving over to the west he wears stereotypical clothing popular in west Germany such as puma and Adidas.

Innocent, relatable, loyal, intelligent, loving.

Contribution to Narrative?
Martin is the main character so we follow his story the most.

Lenora Rauch
Martin’s Aunt 
Major or Minor Character?

Stereotype? Conforms or Subverts?
She is a countertype as she is a woman with power in authority which wouldn’t be typical during this time.

Strong, authoritative, independent, powerful, controlling.

Contribution to Narrative?
She is Martin’s aunt and is the person who assigned him the mission.

General Wolfgang Edel
Major or Minor Character?

Stereotype? Conforms or Subverts?
He is very powerful and authoritative. He loves his country and is loyal. However, he is nurturing towards Martin which isn’t typical of someone in his position.
subverts sterotype with "silent fish" shows his sympathetic side.

strong, trustworthy, loyal, authoritative, powerful.

Contribution to Narrative?
He is Martin’s boss in the west so he has to give him orders. Martin is not actually the person they employed.

Walter Schweppenstette
Major or Minor Character?

Stereotype? Conforms or Subverts?
He is a stereotypical east German person in authority. He uses fear to control and will do anything for his country.

Superior, dominant, manipulative, controlling

Contribution to Narrative?
Major general for east foreign intelligence. Sends Martin away.

Annett Schneider
Martins GF 
Major or Minor Character?

Stereotype? Conforms or Subverts?
She is not a stereotypical east german woman as she isn’t a housewife.

Feisty, sassy, determined, emotional, worried, concerned

Contribution to Narrative?
She is Martin’s girlfriend. She wants to find out where Martin has gone as she wasn’t told.

Alex Edel
General Edel’s son 

Major or Minor Character?

Stereotype? Conforms or Subverts?
Stereotypical soldier, loyal, serves his country. Follows in his father’s footsteps.

Kind, considerate, well educated.

Contribution to Narrative?
Martin’s roommate and is the general’s son.

Tobias Tischbier
Major or Minor Character?

Stereotype? Conforms or Subverts?
He is loyal to the east although he lives in the west.

Discressive, well-educated, loyal, smart, kind, considerate

Contribution to Narrative?
Professor at West German high school, spy. He trains Martin to help him succeed in his mission.

General Arnold Jackson
Major or Minor Character?

Stereotype? Conforms or Subverts?
He isn't your typical general of the time as he is black, making him a countertype.

Welcoming, negotiable, trustworthy, understanding, American.

Contribution to Narrative?
He holds the information that Martin needs.

Add characters:
  • mum
  • PA 
  • Edel’s daughter
Anyone else?

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