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Tuesday, March 24, 2020


Gilroy's Theory -
- Culture has been deployed too often in an attempt to explain difference and division rather than the unity or commonality. (ETHNICITY)
- Britain has failed to mourn the loss of its empire, creating 'postcolonial melancholy', an attachment to a perfect version of British colonial history - expressing itself in criminalising immigrants and showcases an 'us and them' approach, stabilised by white western civilisation. (POST COLONIALISM, ETHNICITY)

Theory in News -

- Examples of representations celebrating a transnational Black culture.
- Examples of representations that reinforce a white version of Britishness and a view of the world that reflects the British experience of empire and colonialism.

Theory in LFTVD -
Stranger Things focuses on a social world which is predominantly white. Whilst there are a small number of black characters (Lucas, Officer Callahan, Principal Coleman) who can be seen as broadly positive representations, they are generally supporting of minor characters; with the narrative mainly being focused and driven by white characters.
This representation is also focused in Deutschland 83 with General Arnold Jackson being a minor character compared to the show being driven by white characters.

1 comment:

  1. Good summary of the theory Leo - do make sure you really UNDERSTAND it. Try to make the application to news really specific - find actual examples of where it is/is not being played out. Remember to EVALUATE the USEFULNESS of the theory for news and LFTVD; you'll need this for both papers.
