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Thursday, January 31, 2019

Jungle Book Interview


INTERVIEWER: Hi guys, welcome back to Disney Daily. Today (as you have seen by the trailer),we are joined by some very special guests. We have the producer and the marketing manager of the new Jungle Book movie.

INTERVIEWER: The original Jungle Book movie was released in 1967 and it is still loved to this day. With a total gross box office of $141,843,000, it was a huge hit! Now this may seem very hard to follow but I think we can all agree that this remake was definitely worth the wait!


PRODUCER: Thank you for having us today.

INTERVIEWER: Well it's our pleasure. I know many people have been waiting for this movie including me and by the trailer, I mean, wow, what a film.

PRODUCER: Oh thank you (haha). The dedication from everyone was key for the success of the end product.

INTERVIEWER: Now, we can obviously see by the trailer how new and exciting this movie is but how did this movie differ from the original 1967 Jungle Book?

PRODUCER: We used the CGI process to improve the graphics and animation to truly bring the characters and the jungle to life. We wanted the animals to seem as real as possible so that people could really believe the story. The 1967 version obviously didn't have the technological advancements which was a large part of this new remake. The old version was also more aimed at a younger primary audience and we felt that we needed to stick more to the accuracy of the book. By doing this, we targeted a slightly older audience by making the animals and jungle seem more menacing, fierce and realistic as you saw in the trailer (hand gesture).

INTERVIEWER: Tell us about how you created the movie in a way that appealed to the audience.

PRODUCER: Our aim was to target 12-21 year olds. I switched between ideas from the book and the film. We decided to keep in 'Bare necessities' as it was clearly a fan favourite with the younger children. I mean, most children know the song (both laugh and agree with each other). Also, we did decide to keep in King Louie despite him not actually existing in the book.

INTERVIEWER: In one of the scenes, you can see Lupita's character Raksha with Neel Sethi as Mowgli. How did you shoot that, h-how did you make the scene seem as though he was physically interacting with her (pic on screen)?

PRODUCER: There were a few ways as to how we did it. We had a puppet on a stick which had a sculpted foam head and also a blue padded head. Even when we were filming the scene of Mowgli in the water with Baloo, I was in the water with Neel, splashing him unexpectedly with water to get a real reaction from him whilst he was in mid-song. For this version to be able to use props and outstanding editing was, was amazing to be able to have. It really was just a fantastic movie to shoot.

INTERVIEWER: Now Mike, as the marketing manager for this movie, what were the main formats in your opinion that aided in promoting and marketing the movie?

MARKETING MANAGER: Well, Jon will agree that we had the wonderful pleasure of working with a celebrity driven cast. This allowed us to gather obviously a large following from that. Additionally, we had a spectacular opportunity to collaborate with Kenzo which is a luxury clothing brand originating in Paris (which is also where Disneyland is). So, this collaboration provided a larger fan base by promoting high-end clothing associated with animal prints and the characters from the movie. This allowed a larger revenue and association with this CGI remake.

INTERVIEWER: I remember when I went to see Star Wars: The Force Awakens and one of the extended 3D trailers beforehand was for The Jungle Book (points at poster).

MARKETING MANAGER: Ah yes, we wanted to be able to reach out to a larger male audience as the word 'Disney' tends to attract more women and girls. We repeatedly pitched to male audiences in order for everyone to feel intrigued by the movie trailer. Following on from this, we also showed the trailer during the Super Bowl which was a quick way of advertising to a large range and variety of ages and genders.

INTERVIEWER: I understand that Jon and three of the cast members actually went to a 7,800 seat arena at a Disney fan convention in Anaheim.

MARKETING MANAGER: (nodding) Yes, Jon showed sneak-peek footage from the film to the arena and then thousands of movie posters were handed out which was actually the first marketing stunt for The Jungle Book. It was tweeted about by many people (images shown) after it occurred.

INTERVIEWER: Those movie posters were fantastic, especially the ones with the voice actors paired with their onscreen characters.

MARKETING MANAGER: Thank you (smiling). This elevated the minds of the grown ups as it made them pay attention to the stars who were featured on the posters.

INTERVIEWER: Not only have you reached different age and gender audiences, but you also managed to reach people from other countries. How did you manage to do this?

MARKETING MANAGER: Through the years. we've learned that Hispanic people tend to go the movies in fairly large groups and so we decided to team with Univision for a 5-week stunt that brought clips of The Jungle Book to telenovelas, talk shows and even sports coverage. Park theatres in Florida and California offered sneak peek footage of the movie with Jon providing introductions.

INTERVIEWER: Well, I guess its time to wrap it up there! Thank you so much for coming and talking with me.

MARKETING MANAGER: Thank you again for having us.

INTERVIEWER: (look at camera) Make sure you check out The Jungle Book as it is well worth the watch. Please like, comment and subscribe. And we'll see you all next time.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

January Mock Feedback

  1. CLIFT to analyse visuals of newspapers, bold outstanding and assertive. Forgot to insert news values. Bias. Guardian is majority hard news- shows guardian support facts. Daily mail mostly soft news.
  2. Why have newspaper sales declined?
  • Technology / rise of online media- digitisation has meant a proliferation of news platforms
  • Newspapers outdated.
  • App offers over ease of access and online news can exploit convergence
  • Closer linked community, social participation. Comments between viewers.
  1. Gerbner------Political views, guardian left wing broadsheet. Daily, royalist and right-wing mod market.
  • Brexit/ Trump/ immigration/ labour vs conservative/ NHS/ education/ young people/ crime 

  • Shirky------ audience comments on articles and discussion begins. Images of catastrophies, whether. News events from public. Social media turns into news. Citizen journalism.


Name:                                         Date:

AO1: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework of media and contexts of media and their influence
AO2 Apply knowledge and understanding (KU) of the theoretical framework of media to:
Analyse media products/ Make judgements and draw conclusions

Questions were: 1.News values and conventions 2. Representation of Ethnicity 3. Technology 4. Shirky/Gerbner

Identify a strength or strengths in your assessment:

Identifying tabloid and broardsheet
Understanding news stories
Partially expanding on news stories
Understand trends which newspapers abide by
Understanding the evolution of news

What are the areas you need to improve?

Time management
Gathering ideas efficiently
Projecting my work in a concise way
Improve my retainment of information
Not be in the state I am…

What will you do to improve in your next assessment? Any particular areas or study skills?

Revise more on acronyms and application of these.
Stick to tighter time frames.
Have a greater ability to analyse and evaluate.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Jungle Book- P2 Section A

How does Disney use its advertising and marketing for the Jungle Book to:

  • Engage the audience
  • How does the audience identify with the film?
  • Whats the expectations would the audience have?
Disney is a vertically and horizontally integrated conglomerate

Walt Disney make about 10 films typically- life action remakes, carry on franchise etc

Areas of study:

  • Production
  • Marketing, Distributing and funding
  • Technology and convergence
  • Ownership
  • Regulation 
Ways ownership impact film production:

  1. Adapt story etc to reach larger audience 
  2. Better marketing and advertisement 
  3. More time spent on production  
  4. Disney has a reputation so people will be naturally attracted. 
  5. Large social media following allowing easier advertisement.
  6. Large companies have access to latest production technology e.g. CGI
  7. More synergy e.g. theme parks and convergence availability of the film cross platform plus importantly cross platform marketing. 
Key facts- 2016 Jungle Book

2016-2017- Disney as NUMBER 1 DISTRIBUTOR (£301m UK Theratrical revanue)

Jon Faveau produced and directed - Iron man Series, Avengers etc

$177m Budget to produce film 

Production Strategies:

The Jungle Book was released in 1967 by Walt Disney Productions. It was created at the Walt Disney Studios in California. Disney’s animation studio had been responsible for developing many of the techniques and ways of working that became standard practices of traditional cel animation, pioneering the art of storyboarding and developing the use of the multiplane to create an early 3-D like effect.
Disney’s personal control of the whole studio affected all stages of production and distribution. Disney are vertically integrated. 

2016 Jungle Book trailer
  • 2016- dark theme 
  • More realistic- dramatic
  • Short clips- fast pace
  • Intense music
  • Famous actors 
Mainstream Film-

  • High production value incl. CGI and soundtrack
  • Star marketing 
  • Wide/saturated distribution by one of The Big Six (not always). Synergy with other blockbusters
  • Commercial success
  • safe genre, simplistic emotive narrative. 

Monday, January 14, 2019

Film Research

Gross Incomes
Production Company
Age Certification
    1. Black Panther
Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
PG- 13
    1. Avengers Infinity War
Action, Adventure, Fantasy
PG- 13
    1. Incredibles 2
Animation, Action, Adventure
    1. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
Universal Studios
Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
PG- 13
    1. Deadpool 2
Action, Adventure, Comedy

  1. Disney had the biggest financial success and had the vast majority of films of top grossing films. A total of 2.31198 billion.
  2. The dominant film genre is Action and Adventure. Si-Fi is also a highly liked genre.
  3. All films that I reviewed are blockbuster.
  4. 4 of the top grossing movies are sequels.
  5. Majority are aimed at younger audience yet more than others (Incredibles 2), the younger audiences are a large generator of income for films companies.
  6. All films listed are avaiable in 2D, 3D, 4K, Imax.
  7. Romance, Thriller, Horror, Crime.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Stages Of a Film

Where do we start?

The 4 stages of film:

  • Production
  • Distribution
  • Marketing
  • Exhibition -process of the cinema exhibiting the film /Exchange - the way we watch it (cinema, netflix) 

1. Development- the script was written and drafted into a written and drafted into a workable blueprint for a film

2. Pre-production- Preparations are made for the shoot, in which cast and crew hired, locations are selected, and sets are built.

3. Production- The film footage is shot.

4. Post-production- The film is edited; production sound (dialogue) is concurrently (but separately) edited, music tracks (and songs) are composed, preformed and recorded; sound effects are designed and recorded; and any other computer-graphic 'visual' effects are digitally added, all sound elements are mixed into "stems" then the stems are mixed then married to picture and the film is fully completed ("locked").


  • Describes everything between production (marketing the film) and how the film gets to an audience (people watching the film in cinemas/DVD etc)
  • The film is screened for potential buyers (distribution), is picked up by a distributor, and a marketing and release plan are developed The film is duplicated as required for distribution to cinemas. 
  • The business of getting films to their audiences by booking them for runs in cinemas and getting them there e.g. digital screens/reel films.
  • It includes all of the financial- deals done ti get films shown and promoted.


  • This is the business of creating campaigns to promote the film, eg posters, apps, television interviews.
  • Press kits, posters and other  advertising materials are published and the film is advertising materials are published and the film is advertised. Films are usually released with a launch party, press releases, interviews with the press, press preview screenings, and film festival screenings. More films have a website and a trailer. 

  • The way people consume films -e.g. showing films in cinemas or renting/buying DVD's or downloading films, piracy. 
  • About how the audience see the film, box office intake, reviews, awards etc. 
  • The film is released to cinemas for exhibition (or at this point occasionally straight to DVD, Blue-ray, or direct download from a provider), in order to reach its cinema and/or home media audience. The film plays at selected cinemas and the DVD typically is released a few months later. 


  • Ownership is all about different film companies owning each other and providing each other with money, ideas for films and finance. 
  • Major companies own others (similar institutions) with the industry in order for more films to be produced
Ownership Types: 

  • Horizontal Integration
When the Production Company expands into other areas of one industry. It can acquire or merges with other companies that do the same thing to help eliminate competition, The profits will be shared amongst each company.
  • Vertical Integration
Vertical integration is when the production company has the ownership of the means of production, distribution and exhibition of the film by the same company, because of this they receive all of the profit whereas horizontal integration is where a production company expands into other areas of one industry.



  • Synergy is when the interaction of two of more focuses working together creates a greater effect than the sum of their individual efforts
  • e.g. Disney. The film of "High School Musical" promotes the DVD which promotes the soundtrack which promotes the advert calendar which promotes the doll which promotes the sequel which promotes the Disney store which promotes the film...

Thursday, January 10, 2019

The film industry- EXAM

2 hour exam

Industry and audiences- 3 topics
Film- disney, jungle book (\industry)
radio- BBC radio 1 (industry and audience)
video games- minecraft, microsoft (industry and audience

2, 15 markers (25 mins each) revolves around memorising and understanding