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Monday, March 18, 2019


  • Political, social and cultural context
  • Its a niche magazine outside the commercial mainstream (NOW, Vogue etc)
  • Learn 2 big issue front cover. front cover should show they have a national significance (British orientated) and alternative to the mainstream.
  • Analysing the front cover CLIFT and CLAMPS and FAM. 
Key Terms

  • Circulation- the number of copies a magazine sells 200 mil sales in 2016
  • Readership- Not just who buys a magazine but the total number people likely to read it.
  • Mass audience- Readership on a very large scale 
  • Niche Audience- narrow group of readers with a particular interest
  • subscription- where a reader pays for a set number of copies of a magazine in advance at a lower price and receives them by post.
  • Intertextuality- The merging of different types of media. 

Key terms of a magazine:
  • Masthead- the title of the magazine
  • Plug- text that 'plugs' a feature that will appear inside the music
  • Pluff- a story that is given prominence on the cover 
  • Cover Star- the 'star' featured on the cover 
  • Anchorage Text- text that anchors the main image and gives it context/ meaning 
  • Banner- text that runs across the lower section
  • Skyline- text the runs across the top of the cover.
Advertising in Magazines 

magazines would not survive without advertisement.
Income from ads account for 70% of magazines income.
Smaller circulation means more ads needed

Vendors- Made more than £5M 
Similar papers made in 120 countries 

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