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Tuesday, October 30, 2018

DR CAGES - Representation LIAR



Disability (physical and mental)
Regional identity

Representation In LIAR

Representation In LIAR

Dominant ideology
 - stereotypical western world beliefs, media rued by white, middle class, christian straight men.


- Media industries use stereotypes because the audience will instantly understand them. Think if stereotypes as a 'visual shortcut'. They're repeated so often that we assume they are normal or 'true'.

-This is the 'ultimate' stereotype. E.g. example the white big busted brainless blonde.

Counter type
- A representation that challenges tradition stereotypical associations of groups, people or places.


- The way in which people, event and ideas are presented to the audience.

- To break it down, the media takes something that is already there and represents it to us in the way that they choose.

-These representations are created by the producers (anyone who makes a media text) of media texts.

- What they choose to present to us is controlled by Gatekeepers... A person or group who chooses what the public see and how they see it.

Who, What, Why, Where

-WHO or what is being represented. Who is the preferred audience for the representation?
-WHAT are they doing? is their activity presented as typical or atypical?
-WHY are they present? What purpose do they serve?



Disability (physical and mental)
Regional identity

Charity Advert LGBTQ

Monday, October 29, 2018

Assessment Genre 29/10/19


With reference to the TV drama poster, answer questions 1-3

Q1: How is media language used to create meaning?
With reference to Media Language – Camera, Mise En Scene, Denotation, Connotation, Layout, Colour, Text
Q2. Who is the target audience and how do you know?
Q3. What are the various readings and interpretations of the advert?

What is genre? How does the theorist Steve Neale define genre? What codes and conventions are used to identify genre?
Give examples of media texts to support your answer.
Q5. With reference to the industry you have researched and presented: 
·        How far do you agree with Curran and Seaton's ideas that media concentration generally limits or inhibits variety, creativity and quality?  
·        How have advances in technology affected the distribution and consumption of the media products?
·       How is the media industry you have studied regulated and are there any areas which you think may be hard to enforce?


Questions 1-3 Media Language (40)
(Comprehensive 28-40, Adequate 18-27, Minimal 1-17, 0 No response or no response worthy of credit)
·        Comprehensive, detailed and accurate application of knowledge and understanding of
Media language to analyse source A.
·        Explaining how the media language fits these conventions, mise en scene to include layout, typography
·        Convincing, perceptive and accurate analysis of representations in Source A, which consistently provides logical connections and a good line of reasoning.
·        Reference to Source is detailed and accurate.
·        Target audience defined by main character, themes, title of programme, genre, channel 4, Sunday night at 9pm (school night). Sponsored by Lexus.
Question 4 Genre (25)
(Comprehensive 17-25, Adequate 10-16, Minimal 1-9, 0 No response or no response worthy of credit)
·        Precise and relevant reference to Steve Neale’s genre theory – repetition and difference / hybrid
·        Comprehensive, detailed and accurate application of knowledge and understanding with media examples of codes and convention of genre (ie. DISTINCT)
Question 5 Industry (35)
(Comprehensive 22-35, Adequate 11-21, Minimal 1-10, 0 No response or no response worthy of credit)
·        A comprehensive response to the set question.
·        A comprehensive and accurate knowledge and understanding of the industry studied
·        Answer is supported by detailed and accurate reference to Curran and Seaton.
·        Clear and precise and balanced explanation of the impact of digitally convergent media platforms on production, distribution and consumption
Cameras, editing techniques, special effects, marketing tricks online, clever campaigns that go viral, cinemas 3D, super screen, IMAX, 4D, screen X for film for eg
Podcasts, social media, interactive websites, comments etc
·        Answer is supported by generally accurate reference to the regulation of industry studied.



AO1: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework of media and contexts of media and their influence
AO2 Apply knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework of media to:
Analyse media products/Evaluate academic theories/ Make judgements and draw conclusions
Level 3

·       A comprehensive response to the set question
·       Comprehensive and accurate knowledge and understanding
·       Convincing, perceptive and accurate analysis
·       Convincing, perceptive and accurate evaluation
·       Highly developed and accomplished judgements and conclusions
The response demonstrates a highly developed and detailed line of reasoning which is coherent and logically structured. The information presented is entirely relevant and substantiated.
Level 2

·       An adequate response to the set question
·       Adequate and generally accurate knowledge and understanding
·       Adequate and generally successful analysis
·       Adequate and generally successful evaluation
·       Adequate and generally well-reasoned judgements and conclusions

The response demonstrates a line of reasoning with some structure. The information presented is in the most part relevant and supported by some evidence.

Level 1

Up to 40
·       A minimal response to the set question
·       Minimal application of knowledge and understanding
·       Analysis is minimal and/or largely descriptive and may not be relevant
·       Evaluation is minimal or brief, and is likely to be largely descriptive
·       Judgements and conclusions, if present, are minimal with limited support
Information presented is basic and may be ambiguous or unstructured. The information is supported by limited evidence.

Identify a strength or strengths in your assessment:

What are the areas you need to improve?
 Focus on basing my answer around the question and make more reference to the resource provided. more revision needed to be done. 
Time management needs to be improved

 What do you need to focus on for your next assessment?
 Better time management
reference to question more 
plan my work  

Media assessment review
29 October 2018
  1. East-west
  • Communism, prison, punishing, red flag(communism), cold, foreboding, dull colour pallet, army uniform
  • Fresh fruit, colourful, capitalism, juxtaposition, lack of social exposure
  • Walls connected, represents links between berlin

  1. Water shed at 9pm- sex, violence and profanity are able to be shown.
Male- female
Interest in politics and history
Young actor= younger audience

  1. East vs west
Colour vs dark
Communism vs capitalism

  1. Steve Neale
  • Genre has to do with forms/codes and conventions
  • Hybrid genre e.g. Deadpool
  • Not repeating

  1. Regulated by Ofcom
  hard to enforce 
access everything online
technological advnacments have made it easier to acccess and boosted yet deprived others 
few companies control majority of media

Friday, October 19, 2018

Advert Evaluation

Advert Evaluation

We had to create an advert on a charity supporting the LGBTQ community. Our target audience is teenagers, 13-19 year old's. We see this age category is the most necessary to cover in support for the LGBTQ as lots of bodily changes are occurring and delicate social arrangements delegated by hormones make knowing who you are a difficult and confusing task.

Our charity is called "Power Of Pride" with a slogan of "Show your true colours..."

The charity group consisted of Freddie G, Tilly J, Lily F, Leo B. All members were involved in the editing of the video and audio. Freddie focused on the research. Tilly and lily and Leo focused on the planning and responsibilities. The filming was divided between the whole group.

We didivied our advert into 3 segments of Start, Middle and End. This allowed us to create diversity between moods and present our message of individuality.

  • Slow motion cinematic of a person curled up in a ball, alone in a sub-urban setting, helping to present aloneness.
  • Gradual fade of music to help foreshadow the happier ending to our advert.
  • Cinematics of people taking fun of the child.


  • 35% of teens in the LGBT community have planned suicide.
  • 25% of the teens in the LGBT community have attempted suicide in the previous years.
  • Close up shots of each individual with voice overs added over the clips to ad a serious stage.
  • The music is gradually building up to the drop.


  • Cinematics of the individual leading the march, then the camera pans out showing the vast squad supporting the individual.
  • Everyone is dressed in vibrant colours and a potential use of glitter and flares.


"I really liked the upbringing music and positive atmosphere which is provided" 
"The parade sequence sent a distinct message of togetherness"

What went well? 
The transitioning and filming went well. Variety of shots gave a in depth perception into our filming skills. 
The editing in time with the music provides a good flow between shots.

What can we improved? 
Our planning could have been more in depth and given us a better overlook at what out shots are going to look like etc. 

What have we learnt? 
Better team building skills and communication skills between members of the group. Our editing skills have increased exponentially. 

In the Future?
We will be able to edit a lot more swiftly and initial planning can be a lot quicker and more detailed. Overall our future productions will be at a much higher standard and will show even more skills that each member can provide. 

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Media theorists

Curan and Seaton-Power and Media Industries 

  • The idea that the media is controlled by a small number of companies primarily driven by the logic of profit and power.
  • The idea that the media concentration generally limits or inhabits variety, creativity and quality.
  • The idea that more socially diverse patterns of ownership help to create the conditions for more varied and adventurous media productions.
Livingstone and Lunt-Regulation 

Media Regulation= The control or guidance of mass media by governments and other bodies.

  • the idea that there is an underlying struggle in recent UK regulation policy between the need to further the interests of citizens (by offering protection from harmful or offensive material), and the need to further the interests of consumers (by ensuring choice, value for money, and market competition)
  • the idea that the increasing power of global media corporations, together with the rise of convergent media technologies and transformations in the production, distribution and marketing of digital media, have placed traditional approaches to media regulation at risk

Hesmondhalgh- Cultural Industries

  • the idea that cultural industry companies try to minimise risk and maximise audiences through vertical and horizontal integration, and by formatting their cultural products (e.g. through the use of stars, genres, and serials)
  • the idea that the largest companies or conglomerates now operate across a number of different cultural industries
  • the idea that the radical potential of the internet has been contained to some extent by its partial incorporation into a large, profit-orientated set of cultural industries

Monday, October 8, 2018

Media Industries Vocab Sheet

  1. brand identity
    The image a company constructs for itself through the use of logos, slogans and other marketing tools in order to appeal to an audience.
  2. cross-platform
    The appearance of a media text on more than one platform; cross-platform or cross-media advertising is used to market a product like a film on the web, TV and newspapers.
  3. endorsement
    The act of supporting or backing something; celebrity endorsement is often used in advertising to sell a product.
  4. ethos
    The purpose, attitude and beliefs of a person or an organisation.
  5. media convergence
    When audiences use one platform to consume various types of media texts.
  6. media format
    A media format refers to whether the content is video, audio, print based, or a combination such as a website or video game.
  7. media platform
    A media platform is where a media text is presented; this can be TV, cinema, computer, games console, digital media player, smartphone, tablet, magazine, or newspaper
  8. media text
    Any media product such as a TV programme, film, magazine, video game, newspaper, music track or album created for an audience.
  9. niche audience
    A small, narrow audience interested in a specific topic or theme - the opposite of a mass market audience.
  10. public service broadcasting
    Public service broadcasting is for the benefit of the public and not just for profit or commercial gain; the BBC is a public service broadcaster in the UK.
  11. smartphone
    A mobile phone with a powerful processor that is capable of running applications and accessing the internet.
  12. tablet
    A computer device a little smaller than a laptop but with a built-in touchscreen, usually without a keyboard.

Media Industries


Creativity is lost when large companies invest in the others
Lack of care when making media too maximise profits

Disney own lucasfilm and marvel. So they can produce starwars films and marvel films. Disney also own Pixar films.

Who owns the media?
  • Big six own sports, films, music, online streaming, cable.
  • Comcast is the biggest ($69 bil in revenue per year) largest cable company in the world
  • Disney ($48 bil revenew per year) theme parks and movie studies. Disney own lucasfilm and marvel. So they can produce starwars films and marvel films. Disney also own Pixar films.
  • Biggest media company
  1. Comcast
  2. Walt disney

  • Previous owner of Warner says that large media companies stifle innovation yet can broadcast new ideas for new creators

Whos owns the UK media?
  • Rupert Murdock owns sky, dmg media, trinity media, independent, times etc
  • 3 companies won 71% of newspaper. Ths means  that the media is manipulated.
  • BBC are a public service broadcaster- services the population and not companies and advertisers.
  • Global tech giants will compete in future for media

Monday, October 1, 2018

Ghost ship analysis

Ghost Ship:

Genre: Drama, horror, romance

D- dancing on ship, mass murder committed.
S- cruise ship. wealthy film.
T- good vs evil, murder, gore
I- metal wire, champagne glass
N-set in 1962 on a cruise ship where a dancing is taking place and we see a hand presses a lever that unravels a thin wire coil which slices all the dancers apart from a young girl who is too small for the wire to slice through her.
C-singer is perceived to be romantic and a entertainer yet as we find out she is participator in the mass murder, signalling others to release the wire to evidently kill the majority of dancers. The young girl is shown to not enjoying herself as she has a child's toy stating she is bored, soon she becomes distort as she is surrounded by fallen bisected corpses.
T- use of old cameras to persevere it suitable for camera in 1962.


F- long shots displaying location and subtly moving shots along with music, once wire snaps shots change frequently to show lots of death
A- close up shot of wire travelling through bodies, close up of killer moving lever
M- N/A

Mise en scene:

C- upper class dressed up people
L- warm well lit lighting, when camera shifts to evil characters, the lighting becomes less lit.
A- Little girl has lot of screen time and singer who has a lot of screen time and is heard off screen
M- Well dressed adults with all women wearing make up.
P- Wine glass is the first item to be sliced by wire and shows audience what has happened.
S- on cruise ship, surrounded by water.


M- romantic, band
C- majority of sound is linked to actions
D- all dietetic
O- lots of music comes from singer and band
V- N/A
E- ominous music (lack of safety)
D- very little dialogue, lots of background noise/ chatter


S- little girl and singer get majority of screen time
T- realistic transitions
O- chronological
P- some slow motion shots to show bodies being sliced, gives more details
S- people being bisected (sliced in half).