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Monday, October 8, 2018

Media Industries


Creativity is lost when large companies invest in the others
Lack of care when making media too maximise profits

Disney own lucasfilm and marvel. So they can produce starwars films and marvel films. Disney also own Pixar films.

Who owns the media?
  • Big six own sports, films, music, online streaming, cable.
  • Comcast is the biggest ($69 bil in revenue per year) largest cable company in the world
  • Disney ($48 bil revenew per year) theme parks and movie studies. Disney own lucasfilm and marvel. So they can produce starwars films and marvel films. Disney also own Pixar films.
  • Biggest media company
  1. Comcast
  2. Walt disney

  • Previous owner of Warner says that large media companies stifle innovation yet can broadcast new ideas for new creators

Whos owns the UK media?
  • Rupert Murdock owns sky, dmg media, trinity media, independent, times etc
  • 3 companies won 71% of newspaper. Ths means  that the media is manipulated.
  • BBC are a public service broadcaster- services the population and not companies and advertisers.
  • Global tech giants will compete in future for media

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