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Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Daily Mail vs Guardian News Values and Target Audience

Autum 2018 - changed from Paul Darce to Georgie Greig alledly 'slightly softened' the hard line of Brexit

 The Mail is seperated into 3 sections- Daily mail, Mail on Sunday and online newspaper

Daily Mail target audience-

  • Male/Female gender split with a female gender skew (particularly the mail online - see femail) Mainstreamers (psychographics)
  • C1, C2, D - The stereotype is middle aged, middle England, aspirational middle class/working class but traditionally British. Again, right wing politically.
  • 35+ with significant 55+ print readership (average age 58) but younger online
  • Supporters of Brexit (most would have voted)
  • And British institutions like the Royal Family
  • Daily mail have a large advocate to environmental issues and raise awareness about theses issues well compared to other newspapers

The Guardian News Values and Target Audience:

The Guardian is a suistainable, nonprofit newspaper with the intention of providing key values and morals to benifit the public: 
  • Openness
  • Honesty
  • Integrity
  • Courage
  • Fairness

It became a non profit to boost its funding of journalism.

Target audience:

The Guardian newspaper targets a well-educated, relatively young, predominantly male and liberal audience centered around London. Fifty-two percent of Guardian readers are male, and the average reader age is 44.

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