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Friday, November 2, 2018

Representation example

Barnado's Charity TV Advert 2011

What/who is being represented?

The advert is displaying how peoples behaviour can origin from their childhood and particularly how it can be caused by poor parenting etc.

How is it being represented? 

It is showing a man who is having a successful life and shows what he was like before as he gets younger and younger we gather an in site onto how difficult his life was and what caused it.

How is the representation made to seem 'true', 'commonsense' or 'natural'?

There is a natural flow of the advert as the transitions show how the actor gets younger and releases more information about why and how he became the person he is. Actions are also assosiated with the type of person he was at a certain point in time. For example when the actor was a teenager. His aggression was shown as he kicks the chair. This movement of the chair also provided a transition of actor into a younger person.

What is foregrounded and what is back grounded? Are there any notable absences?

The background is what looks like a youth centre, a place for people to grow up. We notice this as there is a pool table which shows as an activity for people. The background doesn't draw attention to itself. The adverts ambitions was to focus the attention on the actors. As the person is evolving the setting barely changes, this shows the viewer that Barnados have been there always to support this individual throughout the entirety of their life.

What way do you believe you have ‘received’ the meaning of the film: through preferred, negotiated or oppositional reading? (Hall’s theory) Explain in detail, using supporting textual reference.

This advert provides a strong meaningful message which rewrites the viewers stereotype of a particular individual for example a rough teenager and how that person came from a damaged parenthood fuelled by abuse. It also provides the viewer that Barnados are a very successful charity as they have evolved that person into a successful member of society. I have received the information through preferred reading as i believed what they were saying and didn't question there methods or if it was not true etc.

Sound Acronym - MCDOVED

Music - what kind? how does it make you feel?
Contrapuntal/parallel- goes against what emotions are supposed to be saying (music)
Diegetic, non diegetic - real sound (what actors can hear) / what actors cant hear (voice over)
Off screen/ on screen- sound off screen (phone call) cant see where sound is coming from / on screen
Voiceover- narration
Emotion- how the sound is making you feel
Dialogue- how/what did they say?

Editing Acronym - STOPS

Screen time- most important= more loved by audience
Transitions- eg past/ future
Order of narrative- past present future,
Pace- fast, slow, eg. fight or explosion
Special effects- eg. action, si-fi.

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