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Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Music Video analysis- Titanium

Produced by DJ david Guetta
Song written by Sia, Guetta, tuinfort and afrojack
Titanium is a ballad which draws from the genres of home and urban dance
Has enigma code
Supernatural scene and suburban

The song lyrics are about inner strength and not getting knocked down by every day activites.
The music video does not feature Guetta or Sia. Instead it focuses on a young boy, played by actor Ryan Lee, with supernatural powers.

Film video premiered Dec 20 2012
Video was directed by David Wilson. Filmed in Dec 2011

Special powers
Puberty affcting body and mind
Inner strength
Standing up for what you believe in
Adults vs Children


Setting: Woods, School, House, North american Suburban, winter, empty house, messy.
Special powers
Puberty affcting body and mind
Inner strength
Standing up for what you believe in
Adults vs Children
Icons: Keys, Teddy bear, Guns, television, torches, hat (scraed), rucksack (small, shows lack of belongings)
Narrataive: Explosive event in school, run, cops at house run, explosion in woods
Characters: Young boy, teacher, cops
Textual analysis:


Lighting :

Long shot of boy in corridor, lockers suggest the loaction of a school. Confusion is sturuck to viewer as he looks feeble and scared. portrayed as a victim.

Analyis pt2

G- Genre
I- Instruments
L- Lyrics
E- Emotion

Editing acroynm:

S- Screentime
T- transitions
O-order of narative
P- pace
S- sfx (special effects)

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Music Video Analysis- Corinne Bailet Rae (Stop where you are)

Corinne Bailey Rae's - Stop where you are (April 2016)

Music background:

Genre- Soul/pop

in 2006 she was predicted to be a hit act.

The song "Stop Where you are" is about being present, stopping and celebrating whats happening at this very moment.

conform and subvert to the sterotype.

DRCAGES- Character analysis

Region- Barren, urban enviroment
Class- typically lower class members
Age- younger teenagers, older individuals
Gender- boys and girls
Ethnicity- ethnically diverse
Sexuality- homeless lady presents masculine features.

Setting- urban,

Themes- stereotyping people, stopping where u are, living in the moment, carpe diem

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Music Video Introduction

Analysis: Points to discuss
  • Camera- FAM
  • Mise en scene- CLAMPS
Childish Gambino - This Is America

1.       How is this video commenting on historical, social, cultural and political issues?
Shocked, disgusted and outraged by the historical and contemporary persecution of black people in america
Mesmerising tension between the images and the juxtaposition between the dancing and violence 
2.       What is the role of Glover in the video?
Shown hows american media and culture is, in a flowing way to show the pace of events. 
Country itself doing the killing, continues to smile and dance and not caring about issues. 
3.       How does this promote him as an artist?
Promotion black lives matter, how these cultural tendencies should not carry on. 
4.       In the opening scenes Glover uses grotesque smiles and exaggerated poses, why?
Glover is commentating on the racism in minstrel era. He is achknowledging the dehumanizing, grotesque and cartoonist way black people were portrayed in the video.
5.       Guns vs black lives – what representation is constructed here?
The frequency of shootings shows how popular they are in america. Guns are treated better than back man (gun placed in silk sheet whereas black body is dragged off)
6.       What is the significance of the choir?
To show bringing communities together. Direct reference in 2015 Charleston Choir in which white supremacist Dylaan Roof opened fire in a black church.
7.       Camera pan to black men on mobiles? What is the significance of this?
Instead of helping they are filming it, sharing violence. 
white bandannas portrays white supremacist which muzzle media.
8.       Why the white horse in the background of the frame?
Bible reference.
9.       Juxtaposition of dancing and violence, why?
stereotypical dancing for black people, and stereotypical shootings in these areas. how people happily adopt black culture (dances etc) yet pay no attention to negative issues in the culture
10.   What do the empty cars and burning police car signify?
Riots, lack of police support
11.   What is the significance of 17 seconds of silence?
Tribute to 17 students dead in Parkland, Florida.
12.   What is the intertextual reference in the closing scene?

Acronym's Analysis- example 
Costume- bland, lack of colour in costumes
Lighting- High key lighting, can see all in shot. Ending very dark cannot see people running.
Actors- Dancers, Childish gambino has most camera attention. 
Makeup- simplistic, no makeup 
Props- guns, guitar
Setting- warehouse

Frame- Front view, panning shot, fell setting shown through most of video. 
Movement- elaborate dancing

Video- promotion of audience
Music videos are used to promote artists- their music and fan base. This increases sales and their individual profile. 
Artists typically have most screen time.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Essay: Analyse how social and cultural contexts can influence advertising

Analyse how social and cultural contexts can influence advertising

In your answer you must refer to:
- Analyse how social and cultural contexts influence advertising
- Make judgement and reach a conclusion on why they advertise in this way

Image result for shelter advert

Charity adverts target specific issues to raise awareness and create emotion and controversial thoughts towards social and cultural contexts. The simple colour scheme allows the powerful message to be carried. The ethnicity of characters have a British/middle eastern origins. This indicates that they do not want to present stereotypes of homelessness. This presents the message that homelessness or housing issues can affect anyone. The smaller printed white text located in the lower section of the advertisement is providing more information onto causes of homelessness. It shows that many events can occur which will leave someone vulnerable to homelessness.

The text and wording provide connotations of emotive language to appeal to sympathetic nature of people. It projects as if any of these issues could affect anyone at any given time. The disbelief shown also supports the sympathetic approach which the advert is striving to achieve. The wording pushes for people to donate.

The close up face shot makes a very powerful statement, the expression of vulnerability and struggle. The weakness shown by the characters generates the viewer to feel empathetic and more willing to donate to the cause. The direct eye contact from the characters creates a personal connection with the viewer and builds tension and gathers the viewers attention fully, staring eyes generate this personal connection. It portrays as if the person shown in the poster is talking directly to the viewer. In effect of this, a lot more awareness and aid will be provided for the charity to help people in need.

"Shelters" logo is well made and a simplistic design with the "h" which has characteristics of a house. This allows the viewers to gather an incite into what the charity ambitions are. It also displays there "genre" of aid onto which they specialise in.

In conclusion, Shelter has successfully achieved to motivate the audience to increase donations and fuel awareness onto people who are homeless or nearing homelessness. It has used techniques as eye contact, a powerful colour scheme and text to do so.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Charity Campaign ppt

Charity Advertisement Shelter

How to make a charity advert moving?

Image result for shelter charity-empathy
-shocking images
- emotive language and images
-relatiable issue
-recognisable images etc.

Shelter Campaign:

Founded in 1966 in London.
Aims to help people with homelessness and bad housing. Give advice and lobbies government to make changes to improve housing.
Campaign launched in 2011 (ran for 6 weeks from August 21) to encourage people at risk of losing their home to ask for advice earlier.
Main focus of campaign is poster ads, but Facebook and mobile messaging where also used.
The poster campaign initially in four towns identified as hotspots for housing problems.

Campaign was created by Amplify on a pro bono basis.

To campaign
To provide information
Raise awareness of homelessness arising in today's society, especially with the recession and current economic climate.

 Advert analysis:
Eyes looking at reader and level, creates relations with viewer. level shot shows equality and that homelessness can strike anyone.

Generic codes and conventions of charity ads:
The creation of sympathy for the subject of the charity (use of facts and statistics)
The creation of empathy for the subject of the charity ( use of images - how would you feel if you were in their shoes?)
Shock – make you feel that you have to contribute to the charitable cause (disturbing images)
Charity name / logo

Image of victim maybe isolated
Sombre mode of address
Use of colour
Colour associated with brand
Web address
Invitation to interact with company / donate
Message will be text / image based