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Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Music Video Analysis- Corinne Bailet Rae (Stop where you are)

Corinne Bailey Rae's - Stop where you are (April 2016)

Music background:

Genre- Soul/pop

in 2006 she was predicted to be a hit act.

The song "Stop Where you are" is about being present, stopping and celebrating whats happening at this very moment.

conform and subvert to the sterotype.

DRCAGES- Character analysis

Region- Barren, urban enviroment
Class- typically lower class members
Age- younger teenagers, older individuals
Gender- boys and girls
Ethnicity- ethnically diverse
Sexuality- homeless lady presents masculine features.

Setting- urban,

Themes- stereotyping people, stopping where u are, living in the moment, carpe diem

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