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Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Music Video Introduction

Analysis: Points to discuss
  • Camera- FAM
  • Mise en scene- CLAMPS
Childish Gambino - This Is America

1.       How is this video commenting on historical, social, cultural and political issues?
Shocked, disgusted and outraged by the historical and contemporary persecution of black people in america
Mesmerising tension between the images and the juxtaposition between the dancing and violence 
2.       What is the role of Glover in the video?
Shown hows american media and culture is, in a flowing way to show the pace of events. 
Country itself doing the killing, continues to smile and dance and not caring about issues. 
3.       How does this promote him as an artist?
Promotion black lives matter, how these cultural tendencies should not carry on. 
4.       In the opening scenes Glover uses grotesque smiles and exaggerated poses, why?
Glover is commentating on the racism in minstrel era. He is achknowledging the dehumanizing, grotesque and cartoonist way black people were portrayed in the video.
5.       Guns vs black lives – what representation is constructed here?
The frequency of shootings shows how popular they are in america. Guns are treated better than back man (gun placed in silk sheet whereas black body is dragged off)
6.       What is the significance of the choir?
To show bringing communities together. Direct reference in 2015 Charleston Choir in which white supremacist Dylaan Roof opened fire in a black church.
7.       Camera pan to black men on mobiles? What is the significance of this?
Instead of helping they are filming it, sharing violence. 
white bandannas portrays white supremacist which muzzle media.
8.       Why the white horse in the background of the frame?
Bible reference.
9.       Juxtaposition of dancing and violence, why?
stereotypical dancing for black people, and stereotypical shootings in these areas. how people happily adopt black culture (dances etc) yet pay no attention to negative issues in the culture
10.   What do the empty cars and burning police car signify?
Riots, lack of police support
11.   What is the significance of 17 seconds of silence?
Tribute to 17 students dead in Parkland, Florida.
12.   What is the intertextual reference in the closing scene?

Acronym's Analysis- example 
Costume- bland, lack of colour in costumes
Lighting- High key lighting, can see all in shot. Ending very dark cannot see people running.
Actors- Dancers, Childish gambino has most camera attention. 
Makeup- simplistic, no makeup 
Props- guns, guitar
Setting- warehouse

Frame- Front view, panning shot, fell setting shown through most of video. 
Movement- elaborate dancing

Video- promotion of audience
Music videos are used to promote artists- their music and fan base. This increases sales and their individual profile. 
Artists typically have most screen time.

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