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Friday, September 28, 2018

Audience and Demographics


What is an audience?

An audience is who you’re communicating with through every medium; they’re the spectators watching in the bleachers, metaphorically speaking. More importantly for businesses, an audience is a group of potential clients and customers. An audience isn’t only helpful from a potential sales standpoint though,  they also can help a brand immensely if the relationship is positively mutual. An engaged and enthusiastic audience can become a brand’s biggest advocate.

Demographic profiling
 A- higher managment, bankers
B- middle managment, teachers
C1- office supervisors, nurses
C2- Builders, plumbers
D- semi skilled, unskilled manual work
E- Unemployed, students

Psychographic profiling

Aspires- determined to economically climb (age20-25)
Succeeders- Seek control. Strong goals, confidence, higher managment
Resigned- Seeks discovery, older people, traditional
Explorers- Seeks , traveling, not tied down, younger demographic.
Stugglers - seeks escape, alienated and disorganised, typically lower demographic
Reformers- Seeks enlightenment, freedom of restrictions and personal growth. Anti-materialistic but aware of good taste.   

Target audience vs niche audience 

Target audience:
A target audience is a specific group of people with shared characteristics who are most likely to be interested in your products or services.

Niche Audience:
A niche audience is a very specific audience catered to a specific hobby or event.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Mise en scene

I used a program called Emaze to produce my presentation on Mise en scene.

Powered by emaze

Paul Gilroy

Image result for paul gilroy
Theory: Paul Gilroy

Ethnicity and post-colonial

OCR Required knowledge

  • The idea that colonial discourses continue to inform contemporary attitudes to race and ethnicity in postcolonial era.
  • The idea that civilisation-ism constructs racial hierarchies and sets up binary oppositions based on the of otherness
More on Paul Gilroy's Theory

  • Black music articulated diasporic experiences of resistance to white capitalist culture.
  • Employs the notion of "diaspora" and how ethnic minorities (particularly black people) experience dislocation from their homeland. Eg. feeling as if you do not totally belong in Britain but you also are considered "English" in the Caribbean, Africa or Asia etc
Many racial minorities are perseved as a stereotype of their race. And this can chase younger audiences to build a perception which will be suistanied for their life. 

Monday, September 24, 2018

Sound Acronym - MCDOVED

Music - what kind? how does it make you feel?
Contrapuntal/parallel- goes against what emotions are supposed to be saying (music)
Diegetic, non diegetic - real sound (what actors can hear) / what actors cant hear (voice over)
Off screen/ on screen- sound off screen (phone call) cant see where sound is coming from / on screen
Voiceover- narration
Emotion- how the sound is making you feel
Dialogue- how/what did they say?

Editing Acronym - STOPS

Screen time- most important= more loved by audience
Transitions- eg past/ future
Order of narrative- past present future,
Pace- fast, slow, eg. fight or explosion
Special effects- eg. action, si-fi.

Examples: Boyz in da Hood

Describe - run down streets, lots of violence
Setting- LA- 1984
Themes- violence, corruption, escape
Icons- guns, posters of president, school drawings of graphic images, police tape.
Textual analysis

Friday, September 21, 2018

Genre Picture Task

Camera Shots, Angles and Movements

Action and Adventure

The climbing and exclaimed facial expressions present a ambiguous adventurous themes.
The fencing provides a bases for climbing, providing a dangerous atmosphere.
The greenery give a topical and rural edge to the image.

Movement is captured as the stance is positioned that the subject is moving in a direction. The subject standing on elevated platform 

The struggle to stay up shows the action that the subject has been affected by a 3rd party.

The ambiguous background creates a focus on the subject and the expressions presented.

Camera Shots, Angles and Movement

This task was used to demonstrate and present different camera angles which are used to demonstrate how different camera angles and techniques can present different affects on the viewer.

Thursday, September 13, 2018



What is semiotics?

  • The study of signs
  • Anything which stands for "something else"
What we see when we look at an image (whats in it)

What we understand from this image (what other meanings it has)

Semiotics Example:

D- There is a grown man in basic, bland clothing. He is looking out of the frame. In the bottom left of poster there is fire. The background consists of two well knows locations The Eiffel Tower and the White House. The weather is very dark, gloomy and brutal as it is raining and a potential thunder storm is arising.
Image result for amazon tv postersS-The location is in a split location, The Eiffel Tower and The White House are seen in the poster.
T- The themes present in the poster are good vs evil, revenge,
I- No props are present.
N- No story told
C- Singular male in center of poster
T- Editing used to involve two monumental buildings to show TV show is a war on  a global scale.

There is a grown man in basic, bland clothing. He is looking out of the frame. In the bottom left of poster there is fire. The background consists of two well knows locations The Eiffel Tower and the White House. The weather is very dark, gloomy and brutal as it is raining and a potential thunder storm is arising.

Our understanding from this image is that Jack Ryan is troubled and suspicious we can notice this via his facial expression. Fire is shown in the bottom left of the screen, this gives the impression that danger is immanent. The weather adds to this affect of danger. Typically people are not supposed to be active at times when a thunder storm is happening, the fact he is outside and active under these circumstances means that he is not necessarily a genuine citizen.

Summer Work Task 4

Summer Task 4: Film Companies

The big six refers to the 6 main film producing companies based around the world (Universal, Warner Bros, 20th Century Fox, Paramount, Sony pictures/Columbia and Disney Studios).
However the 'Big Six' may soon become the 'Big Five' as Disney plans on buying 20th Century fox to form a partnership or one joint company.

Universal Studios:

Unviersal studios is owned by a company called Comcast. This company has a net worth of $150 billion. Comcast owns other companies such as:

  • Comcast Cable Communications LCC
  • NBC Universal Media LCC
  • Comcast Spectator 
and others... 

Jurassic World 2 -
 Cast- Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Jeff Goldblum.
 Budget/Box office- $120 million / $710 million

Warner Bros:

Warner Bros is owned by Time Warner Inc. This company owns:

  • HBO 
  • Turner
and other companies... 

Wonder Woman 20
 Cast- Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Robin Wright.
 Budget/Box office- $120 million / $821 million

20th Century Fox:

20th Century Fox has recently been bought by Disney.

Deadpool 2 - 2018
 Cast- Ryan Reynolds, Josh Brolin, Zazie Beetz.
 Budget/Box office- $110 million / 
734.1 million


Paramount is owned by a company called Viacom. This company also owns:
  • CMT
  • Comedy Central 
  • Logo Tv 
  • MTV 
and other companies...

Mission Impossible Fallout 2018
 Cast- Tom Cruise, Henry Cavill, Rebecca Ferguson.
 Budget/Box office- $178 million / $726 million

Sony pictures/Columbia: 

Sony pictures is a sub company of Sony Corporation.

Jumanji 2017
 Cast- Dwayne Johnson, Karen Gillan, Kevin Hart.

 Budget/Box office- $90–150 million /  $962.1 million


Disney owns many companies such as:
  • ESPN
  • Lucasfilm LTD
  • Marvel Entertainment 
  • ABC Television 
Black Panther 2018
 Cast- Chadwick Boseman, Michael B Jordan, Lupita Nyong'O.
 Budget/Box office- $
200 million / $1.344 billion


Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Summer Work Task 2

Summer Task 2: Deutchland 83

Deutchland 83 is a TV series released in 2015, it is based upon the events of the East-West divide in Germany in 1983.

The trailer opened with a split screen which indicates an immediate incite into the East-West divide which ridiculed Germany in that time period. The first imagery you receive is graphic war imagery  shot on a older camera as it lacks the camera quality of a modern camera. This provides the viewer with information of previous political and war related en devours Germany has educed.

The first words the viewer is presented with could be the suggested themes for the TV series, the words "CAPITALIST, COMMUNIST, GOOD, EVIL". These words give a political incite into the East-West divide and these adultery politics can attract older audiences.

These words are then followed by upbeat action scenes of a character running and the same character held at gunpoint. This will attract the younger audiences as they seek an adrenaline filled experience. As all these scenes are supported by a upbeat song which dramatists the effect of a high adrenaline experience.

The frequent change of scenes and camera angles brings an overwhelming affect on the viewer. The high action, sexual and suspicious scenes attract all aspects of a typical person looking for an adrenaline fueled experience when watching Deutschland 83.

Hybrid Genre

Hybrid Genre: Combination Of Genres

eg. horror and comedy - Zombieland, Scary Movie
      Rom com - Love Actually, 40 year old virgin, The Proposal
      Si-fi and action -Blade runner
      Action and Comedy - Guardians Of The Galaxy



Whats is a Genre?
A type or category of film or tv show or book defined by distinct features.

  • Si-Fi
  • Horror
  • Action
  • Comedy
  • Thriller
  • Rom-com
  • Romance
  • Drama
  • Historical
  • Musical
  • Documentary

Steve Neale: Genre Theory

The idea hat genres may be dominated b reputation but are also marked by variation, differences and change.

The idea that genre changes, develops, varies and borrows from each other. 

Monday, September 10, 2018

Summer Work Task 3

Image result for daily mail front page 

Summer Task 3: Newspaper front cover

The news inflict peoples opinions everyday. The mass printing of copies and how widely distributed they are mean that there opinion is well known. The big bold text attracts the readers eye and increases the acknowledgment of their view.

The Daily Mail have a very harsh and unfiltered view. They will gladly discriminate large groups and organisations. For example, the headline "GOOGLE, THE TERRORISTS FRIEND...". The vast amount of illegal activity surrounding terrorist groups Eg. Islamic State to then associate one of the biggest social platforms in the world. This blatant discrimination and association will critically affect google and convince peoples opinion heavily.

The smaller text above the headline displays more detail and exposes google for their fails in there search engine system. This portrays a negative atmosphere around google and manipulates the audience in a negative way therefore convincing the readers that google is an unsafe platform.

These newspapers can affect society in positive and negative ways, dependent on what is said by the newspaper and how it affects different types of ethnic, gender and age groups.

Summer Work Task 1

Summer Task 1: Film Poster analysis

Text: The term used " Triumphant true story" incites people to watch the film. This "true story" particularly wants to attract older audiences who want an educational experience instead of fantasy which would typically attract a younger audience.

Text: The poster displays text to link to previous movies to create similar trends to attract a similar audience to a previous film. the words " From the academy award winning director of Slumdog Millionaire". This film was reviewed and rated very high so people will naturally gravitate towards similar work of the same director.

Colour: The colour scheme in this poster (reds, oranges, yellows) is used to display the location of where the film is set. The display of a person climbing in the rocks would entice the older generations as a genre of adventure. The adventure can return them to there childish behaviors while retaining the gore and adult like features which are shown in this film.

Related image

Application of LIAR







Advert- Champion Commercial

Language- Multiple scene changes (run down sets). Camera follows the movement of the basketball. Basketball is only prop used. Only one actor used. Ambient upbeat music with voice over of actor. 

Industry- Champion 

Audience- Sporting individuals, people in deprived situations, poor backgrounds etc. 

Representation- The main representation is the video is despite any persons background, success can be achieved in many different ways.


Television has been very popular media platform which has existed since 1927. It offers a variety of different genres and appeals to different age groups. Television has evolved into entertainment and education. My personal favorite type of viewing is Netflix. It offers many hours of educational videos and entertainment. 

This generation is surrounded by media. Media consumes young people and enriches them in profound ways. My interests are based around media...

My Top 3 Media Forms:
1. Social Media 
2. Photography 
3. Television 

Social Media

Image result for instagramSocial media can be metaphorically signified as the epicenter to a young persons social life.Personally, I can keep track of friends activity and follow an assortment of trends that the internet provides all from the comfort of my phone. My favorite social media platform is Instagram. It allows me to follow my friends and contact them at ease. It also allows me to gather inspiration whether that be in life, school and hobbies. For example i can gather inspiration for my passion for photography, the ease of exploring endless accounts all focused on a similar interest allows myself and other individuals to further flourish in there own individual ways. 


Photography has been a passion of mine for a while. It has allowed me to build a creative side of myself and present a specific perceptive to others which can hopefully influence their perspective of something in their life. Allowing people to appreciate the beauty around them.

Here is a personal photo that i took:
