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Monday, September 24, 2018

Sound Acronym - MCDOVED

Music - what kind? how does it make you feel?
Contrapuntal/parallel- goes against what emotions are supposed to be saying (music)
Diegetic, non diegetic - real sound (what actors can hear) / what actors cant hear (voice over)
Off screen/ on screen- sound off screen (phone call) cant see where sound is coming from / on screen
Voiceover- narration
Emotion- how the sound is making you feel
Dialogue- how/what did they say?

Editing Acronym - STOPS

Screen time- most important= more loved by audience
Transitions- eg past/ future
Order of narrative- past present future,
Pace- fast, slow, eg. fight or explosion
Special effects- eg. action, si-fi.

Examples: Boyz in da Hood

Describe - run down streets, lots of violence
Setting- LA- 1984
Themes- violence, corruption, escape
Icons- guns, posters of president, school drawings of graphic images, police tape.
Textual analysis

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