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Thursday, September 27, 2018

Paul Gilroy

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Theory: Paul Gilroy

Ethnicity and post-colonial

OCR Required knowledge

  • The idea that colonial discourses continue to inform contemporary attitudes to race and ethnicity in postcolonial era.
  • The idea that civilisation-ism constructs racial hierarchies and sets up binary oppositions based on the of otherness
More on Paul Gilroy's Theory

  • Black music articulated diasporic experiences of resistance to white capitalist culture.
  • Employs the notion of "diaspora" and how ethnic minorities (particularly black people) experience dislocation from their homeland. Eg. feeling as if you do not totally belong in Britain but you also are considered "English" in the Caribbean, Africa or Asia etc
Many racial minorities are perseved as a stereotype of their race. And this can chase younger audiences to build a perception which will be suistanied for their life. 

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