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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Summer Work Task 2

Summer Task 2: Deutchland 83

Deutchland 83 is a TV series released in 2015, it is based upon the events of the East-West divide in Germany in 1983.

The trailer opened with a split screen which indicates an immediate incite into the East-West divide which ridiculed Germany in that time period. The first imagery you receive is graphic war imagery  shot on a older camera as it lacks the camera quality of a modern camera. This provides the viewer with information of previous political and war related en devours Germany has educed.

The first words the viewer is presented with could be the suggested themes for the TV series, the words "CAPITALIST, COMMUNIST, GOOD, EVIL". These words give a political incite into the East-West divide and these adultery politics can attract older audiences.

These words are then followed by upbeat action scenes of a character running and the same character held at gunpoint. This will attract the younger audiences as they seek an adrenaline filled experience. As all these scenes are supported by a upbeat song which dramatists the effect of a high adrenaline experience.

The frequent change of scenes and camera angles brings an overwhelming affect on the viewer. The high action, sexual and suspicious scenes attract all aspects of a typical person looking for an adrenaline fueled experience when watching Deutschland 83.

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