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Thursday, September 13, 2018



What is semiotics?

  • The study of signs
  • Anything which stands for "something else"
What we see when we look at an image (whats in it)

What we understand from this image (what other meanings it has)

Semiotics Example:

D- There is a grown man in basic, bland clothing. He is looking out of the frame. In the bottom left of poster there is fire. The background consists of two well knows locations The Eiffel Tower and the White House. The weather is very dark, gloomy and brutal as it is raining and a potential thunder storm is arising.
Image result for amazon tv postersS-The location is in a split location, The Eiffel Tower and The White House are seen in the poster.
T- The themes present in the poster are good vs evil, revenge,
I- No props are present.
N- No story told
C- Singular male in center of poster
T- Editing used to involve two monumental buildings to show TV show is a war on  a global scale.

There is a grown man in basic, bland clothing. He is looking out of the frame. In the bottom left of poster there is fire. The background consists of two well knows locations The Eiffel Tower and the White House. The weather is very dark, gloomy and brutal as it is raining and a potential thunder storm is arising.

Our understanding from this image is that Jack Ryan is troubled and suspicious we can notice this via his facial expression. Fire is shown in the bottom left of the screen, this gives the impression that danger is immanent. The weather adds to this affect of danger. Typically people are not supposed to be active at times when a thunder storm is happening, the fact he is outside and active under these circumstances means that he is not necessarily a genuine citizen.

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